Key Information
Staff in 5M
Mrs Murray - Class Teacher
Mrs Douglas - Teaching Assistant
Homework in Year 5
All Homework will be handed out on a Thursday and it will be due back in every Monday. The main focus will providing children with a range of activities, which develops what they have been learning. There is also a range of spelling and times table games on BGFL365. You child should have a username and password stuck in their learning logs.
Reading in Year 5
Children will continue to develop their reading skills through the teaching of comprehension in class and with their own class reading book. We aim to change these books once a week and we would like you to listen to your child daily (where possible) to help build their confidence in this area.
Physical Education in 5M
This will take place every Wednesday and Thursday. Please remember that this year, we will be expecting children to change for P.E lessons at school. Children should bring their P.E kit into school, with each item labelled with their name and class. These will be kept in their lockers and sent home to be washed at the end of each half term. Please ensure that earrings have been removed on this day. Children with long hair will also be expected to have this tied up.