Pastoral Support
Our Pastoral Support Programme
At St Francis’ Primary we want everyone involved with our school to feel well supported. We believe that good pastoral support focuses on nurturing the individual needs of each child. We aim to build trusting and empathic relationships with all our pupils and their families.
Our Inclusion Team is made up of 5 dedicated professionals. This includes our Headteacher, SENCo, full-time Pastoral Lead and full-time mentor. Together our team works with students so they can lead fulfilling and balanced lives at school and beyond.
All our staff model to students how to look after themselves and others; encouraging them to seek help, support or advice whenever they need it.
Pastoral care underpins personal development and we know from experience that with outstanding pastoral care, students feel they belong and their self-esteem is able to flourish because they feel valued and cared for.
Supporting the pastoral needs of pupils sometimes involves working with external agencies. In these situations, we ensure that a confidential, professional, non-judgemental and sensitive service is provided.
St Francis’ Primary’s Pastoral Support
- Range of academic interventions organised by our mentor.
- Full time Pastoral Support for children and families
- Peer group work
- pastoral support for Staff
Examples of the Pastoral Care Team’s work include:
- We are a ‘talking school’; we encourage our children to share their concerns at all times
- ‘The Three houses’ in every class throughout Key Stage 1 & 2. These are monitored by teachers and the Pastoral Support Officer.
- Rights Respecting Council. Pupils are elected by their peers. Children are fully aware of the role of the elected councillors and are encouraged to regularly bring their views and ideas to their Class Representatives.
- Peer mentors are very visible in the playground at play times.
- Peer mentors listen to children and facilitate activities within the playground in response to what children have asked for. Year 5 peer mentors are trained as play leaders.
- Children who have been identified as vulnerable are given a Key Worker at play and lunch times. This ensures that the social and emotional needs of vulnerable children are being addressed consistently.
For Pupils:
- An active Pastoral which children can be referred to or self-refer
- Robust Inclusion Team
- Open door policies for all pupils with the DSL
- Staff training on how to provide a nurturing environment and children are taught to speak to members of Staff about any problems they have
- Rigorous behaviour monitoring and looking for possible causes of the behaviour
- Displays around the school promoting wellbeing and providing opportunities to talk
- Students feel safe to report concerns about other students
- Assemblies on Health and Wellbeing
- Circle Times sessions in Class
- Philosophy for Children throughout the curriculum
- School Rights Respecting Council
- Pupil voice for Annual Reviews and EHCP conversions
- Strong partnership with parents
For Staff:
- Pastoral support for Staff
- Safeguarding awareness developed
- Regular staff meetings to discuss welfare of specific pupils
- Termly Reviews
For Parents:
- In house counselling service (waiting list applicable)
- Full time Pastoral Support Officer. Onsite daily to help with any concerns a parent may have
- Headteacher has an open door policy for parents
- Secondary transition work