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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School
Truth & Love


Truth & Love



The children are going to be beginning their ' Read for Good Readathon' on Friday 28th June 2024. All children have been sent home sponsorship cards for raise money for children in hospitals to get books and our school receives free books worth 20% of our grand sponsorship total. Children can come in own clothes or dress up as a book character. The children will need to bring £1 per child or £2 per family. How many books can you read by the 8th July?



World Book Day


On Friday 8th March 2024, we  celebrated World Book Day. The children came dressed as a character from their favourite book. They were able to take part in a range of activities throughout the day all around creating a love of reading. 


Children's Mental health week 


The 5th - 11th February is children's mental health week. The focus this year was 'My Voice Matters'. This was all about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools that they need to express themselves


Throughout the week at school, the children took part in a range of activities all around how to express themselves and their feelings. 



Place 2 Be had lots of lovely resources that parents could use with your children to take part at home. 


Families - Children's Mental Health Week (



Multicultural Week


The first week back after half term (Monday 19th - Friday 23rd February) was 'Multicultural Week'. During this week, each year group is going learned about a different faith. The children went on a school trip to visit a place of worship during that week. 


Our New Playground Equipment


We are very excited about the new play equipment that has installed on both the infant and junior playgrounds! The children really enjoy using it.

