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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School
Truth & Love


Truth & Love



Prayer at St Francis’


Prayer plays a central part in the life of St Francis’ School. All classes have a focal prayer table which changes through the church's Liturgical season. Children are encouraged to learn formal prayers suitable for their age groups as well as sharing prayers that are more personal.


Formal Prayer

At the start of each new school year (or within the year where appropriate), children are introduced to the new formal prayers they will be learning for the year. These prayers are displayed around the classroom and used at class prayer times. 


Here are all the formal prayers used here at St Francis’:

Child Led Prayer Services

Children at St Francis’ are encouraged to lead prayer wherever possible. Children will work in pairs (or groups with younger children) to plan, resource, set up and lead prayer in class. Spiritual leaders will also support and evaluate monthly whole school prayer services.


Prayer Garden

The summer of 2022, we had a new prayer garden installed in school. Children are able to go into the prayer garden at playtimes and lunchtimes, for silent prayers or reflections. The prayer garden is also available during class prayer times.
