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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School
Truth & Love


Truth & Love

Three I's

At St. Francis’ we welcome and value all as individuals created by God to work, learn, pray and play together. Like St. Francis, we show care and respect for each other and our world. We have high expectations of each other and inspire children to be the best they can become.




At St Francis’ Catholic Primary School, our intent is to provide a nurturing, holistic and inclusive environment that promotes spiritual, moral, and personal development built on the foundations of Catholic Social Teachings. Our curriculum is designed to be progressively challenging to ensure academic excellence while fostering a sense of community, service, and love for God and others. Our aim is to ensure that our curriculum is accessible, enjoyable, inspiring and ambitious to enable all pupils to succeed. At St. Francis’, through our cross curricular teaching and learning, we intend to develop cultural capital through a solid awareness of the communities that our children are part of prepare our children with the skills and knowledge they need for their next stages in life and the wider world. We strive to ensure that our curriculum is thought provoking, creative and inspiring, with a relevance to the modern world that our pupils are living in, so that, rooted in Christ’s teachings, our pupils are well equipped to become compassionate citizens with a sense of social responsibility.



Through careful consideration, we achieve our intent through implementation in the following key aspects.


Ethos and Catholic Life

St Francis’ establishes a distinct Catholic ethos that permeates all aspects of school life. Leaders, staff, and governors consistently model and uphold the teachings and values of the Catholic Church. The school organizes regular acts of collective worship, fostering spiritual growth and enabling pupils to reflect on their faith. Opportunities for prayer, liturgy, and retreats are provided to deepen pupils' spiritual understanding and personal relationship with God.



Through our dedicated team of subject leaders and staff we have a continually developing curriculum that is broad, balanced and vocabulary rich. It is delivered through well-structured teaching approaches that are consistent across school and provide opportunities to revisit prior learning to ensure retainment of new knowledge and skills. Our staff work collaboratively together to plan a curriculum that is hands on; has breadth and depth; hooks the children into their learning and motivates all learners to want to reach their full potential. Through high quality modelling, scaffolding and targetted interventions, the curriculum at St Francis’ meets the needs of all pupils. The curriculum integrates religious education with other subjects, providing opportunities to explore Catholic teachings in a meaningful context. High-quality religious education enables pupils to develop a deep understanding of Catholic beliefs and practices.


Acting on the feedback from pupil voice, staff have considered the interests of the children to plan Immersion Days (hook the children into their learning); source high quality texts that link across the curriculum; plan opportunities such as trips and use resources effectively to develop the growth mindset of the children.


Through a shared vision by the staff, our curriculum promotes the highest standards of teaching and learning across all subjects, ensuring pupils' intellectual growth and acquisition of essential knowledge and skills are built onto prior knowledge continuously. We carefully incorporate real life links into the classroom learning allowing the children to develop their questioning skills and develop as critical thinkers. By including real life links, we allow our pupils opportunities to become inspired and see that through flexible, purposeful and integrated learning for all, so that all our children have the ability to achieve their best in school.


Pastoral Care and Well-being

The school prioritises the well-being and pastoral care of its pupils. Staff create a supportive and caring environment where pupils feel safe, respected, and listened to. Our robust behaviour policy is supported by the use of Widgits (visual prompts) to manage behaviour effectively to ensure that all pupils needs are accommodated for.  Pastoral support is offered to pupils and their families, fostering positive relationships and nurturing the social and emotional development of each child, allowing them to develop their sense of self and know that their opinions are important and valued. Through celebrating the achievements of our pupils in school, and communicating this with home, we aim for the children to continue to aspire to be the very best version of themselves- who God created them to become.


Partnerships and Community Engagement

At St. Francis’ we actively engage with parents, the parish community, and external organisations to strengthen partnerships and promote the wider involvement of stakeholders. Through parents workshops, curriculum information meetings, parents’ evenings and regular verbal conversations we collaborate with parents, ensuring open and effective communication and actively seek their input and engagement in their child's education. Partnerships with the parish, local community, and charitable organizations provide opportunities for pupils to participate in service projects; develop a sense of social responsibility and play an important part in their local community.


Leadership and Governance

Strong leadership and governance ensure the effective and sustainable implementation of the school's vision and values. Leaders provide clear direction, support, and professional development opportunities for staff, cultivating a culture of continuous improvement. The governing body actively contributes to the school's success by challenging and holding leaders accountable for the school's performance and effectiveness.



The impact of an our carefully curated curriculum and wider school links is evident through the following outcomes:


Academic Excellence

All of our pupils, regardless of their starting point, make excellent progress across the curriculum and grow to become confident, independent and resilient learners, who are able to make links between different subjects. They will be critical and reflective learners who can eloquently articulate themselves using a range of vocabulary, showing that they are ready and prepared for the wider world.  The school's focus on high-quality teaching and assessment ensures that all pupils, regardless of their background or ability, make excellent progress and reach their full potential. All pupils will have a secure core knowledge that will be a foundation for their future years. Pupils have improved recall; know more and are able to remember more; can explain their thinking clearly and can transfer skills across different aspects of the curriculum. The pupils enjoy their learning, have a strong sense of curiosity, have a desire to know more and understand their steps to achievement so that all pupils develop a sense of determination to be successful.


Spiritual, Moral, and Social Development

Pupils demonstrate a deep understanding of their faith, exemplified by their ability to articulate Catholic teachings and values in their daily lives. As modern-day followers of Christ, our school consistently demonstrate high moral standards, showing empathy, respect, kindness towards others and can make links with these in their classroom learning. Pupils actively engage in acts of social responsibility, serving their community and making a positive impact on the lives of others.


Well-being and Personal Development

The school's focus on pastoral care and well-being results in pupils feeling emotionally secure, confident, and equipped to face challenges. Pupils develop strong interpersonal skills, collaboration, and resilience, preparing them for future success. Pupils have a positive attitude towards learning, take pride in their achievements, and demonstrate a love of learning. The pupils have strong emotional literacy and this aids them in articulating their needs so they can be supported to have high aspirations for their adulthood and be prepared for an ever-changing world.


Community Engagement and Partnerships

St Francis’ has active engagement with parents, the parish community, and external organizations fostering a strong sense of belonging and community cohesion. These solid relationships enable pupils to enjoy wider life experiences and develop an understanding of the world around them. Pupils develop an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity, respecting and celebrating differences which in turn improves the relationships with families and wider society. The school's partnerships result in positive relationships and shared responsibilities among stakeholders, strengthening the school's impact beyond its premises.


In summary, at St. Francis’ we combine excellent academic standards with a strong Catholic ethos, nurturing the spiritual, moral, emotional, and intellectual development of pupils. The school's intent, implemented through a well-rounded curriculum; dedicated pastoral care and community engagement results in meaningful impact. Thus producing well-rounded individuals who exemplify Catholic values and make positive contributions to the world around them.
