What have we been doing?
03.06.24 - 07.06.24
Design and Technology Week
This week the children have been creating DT projects. The children have been learning about the process of designing an item, making prototypes and finally creating their final product.
First Holy Communion
On Saturday 27th April, some of the children on St Francis Catholic Primary school received the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. It was a very special day for all the children who celebrated with their families at church.
Lenten Roadshow
Some children from Year 4 took part in a Lenten Roadshow with children from St Edmund's. The children lead the school in a reflection to prepare us for Easter. They then went and lead the children of St Edmund's in a Lenten reflection too.
First Confession
The Holy Communion children went the convent to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This a chance for them to confess their sins and say sorry to God. They received a penance in the form of a prayer and their sins were forgiven.
First Confession Workshop
The Holy Communion children have been taking part in workshops with children from St Clare's in preparation for their First Confession and Holy Communion. The children enjoyed taking part in a range of activities to help them to understand the importance of their confession and to become closer to God.
World Book Day
The children had a lovely time celebrating World Book Day. The children dressed up as their favourite characters, created masks about their favourite books and shared their favourite books with different year groups across the school.
The Animal man
The children of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a lovely time when the Animal Man came to visit as part of their Science topics. The children got to learn about a variety of different animals and even got to hold some of them too.
Multicultural Week
19th February - 23rd February
This week, the children at St Francis have been learning about different religions. Each year group learnt about a different religion and then presented what they had learnt to the rest of the school during an assembly.
During 'All About Me week' the children took part in workshops all around Anti-bulling. The children looked at the different types of bullying, how to stand up to bullying and how not to bully.
Chinese New Year
The children in Reception have been taking part in an immersion event all about Chinese New Year. The children loved taking part in a range of activities and learning all about it.
Reading for Pleasure
At St Francis', we love to read! The child have access to range of wonderful books that they can read on a regular basis, as well as being read to by their class teacher and sometimes even by their parents.
06.11.23 - 10.11.23
The children across the school took part in projects for STEM week. Each year group designed and created something and took part in cooking as part of our Health for Life project. They had to design, make prototypes and evaluate what was effective before creating their final project.
Reception made sandwiches
Year 1 made kites
Year 2 made pizzas
Year 3 made Greenhouses
Year 4 made Greenhouses
Year 5 made Lighthouses
Year 6 made Lighthouses and baked bread.
Ask your children what they enjoyed and learnt about during STEM Week.
During October, St Francis celebrated Black History Month. Black History Month gives us the opportunity to celebrate and understand the importance and impact of black culture and heritage. Each year group focused on a different black author, learning about their lives and creating artwork and writing to go on display.